*****Strategy Contextual Learning
A.Firsts letter
(Contextual teaching and
learning-CTL) is one of the many learning approaches
discussed orang.Berbeda the strategies we have discussed previously, CTL is a strategy that involves students fully in
the process study.Siswa encouraged to move to learn the subject matter in
accordance with the topic that will be encouraged to move dipelajarinya.Siswa
study the subject matter in accordance with the topic that will
dipelajarinya.Belajar CTL in the context of not just listen and record, but the learning process is a
process berpengalamansecara langsung.Melalui experienced the expected student
growth occurs as a whole, which not only develops the cognitive aspects, but
also aspects of affective and also psikomotorik.Belajar through CTL students are expected to find their own
material learned.
Basic B.Konsep Contextual Learning Strategy
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a learning strategy which
emphasizes the involvement of students in full process to be able to find the
material studied and relate them to real life situations that encourage
students to be able to apply it in their lives.
First, CTL stressed to the student engagement process
to find the material, meaning that the learning process is oriented to the
process of learning experiences in the context of CTL langsung.Proses not
expect that students only receive lessons, but the process of searching for and
finding himself the subject matter.
Second, CTL encourages students to discover the
relationship between the material learned to real life situations, meaning that
students are required to be able to capture the relationship between learning
experiences in school with nyata.Hal life is very important, because the material
was found to correlate with real life, not course materials for students that
will be functionally significant, but the material will be studied closely
embedded in the memory of the student, so it will not easily be forgotten.
Third, CTL encourages students to be able to apply it in
life, meaning that CTL can not just expect students to understand the material studied, but how it
can color the lesson meteri behavior in their daily lives in the context of CTL hari.Materi lesson not to be stacked tampered
and then forgotten , but as stock real in real life.
In that respect, there are five important characteristics in
the learning process using CTL approach:
1. In CTL, learning is a process of activation of existing knowledge (knowledge activing), meaning that what you learn is from the knowledge that has been learned,
thus the knowledge to be gained is the knowledge that the students who have the
complete relation to one another.
2. Contextual learning is learning in order to
acquire and add new knowledge (acquiring knowledge). Knowledge gained new deductive manner, meaning
that learning begins with the study as a whole, then noticing the details.
3. Understanding of knowledge (understanding knowledge) means the knowledge gained is not to memorize
but only to be understood and believed, for example by asking feedback from
others about the knowledge acquired and new knowledge based on these responses
was developed.
4. Practicing the knowledge and experience (applying knowledge) means the knowledge and experience gained should be applied in a student's
life, so it seemed to change student behavior.
5. Doing reflection (reflecting knowledge) to pengetahuan.Hal development strategy is done as feedback for process
improvement and refinement strategies.
c. Philosophical and Psychological Background CTL
1. Philosophical Background
CTL is much influenced by the philosophy of constructivism which was
conceived by Mark Baldin and further developed by Jean Piaget.Vico revealed:
"God is the creator of the universe and man is master of his
creation." Knowledge is not the result of a "gift" from other
people such as teachers, but the results of the process are carried out each
individual construct. Piaget argued, that since childhood every child has the
cognitive strutur then called "scheme". Scheme formed because
pengalaman.Proses improvement schemes carried out through a process of
assimilation and akomodasi.Asimilasi is a process improvement schemes, and
accommodation is the process of changing the existing scheme until scheme was
formed baru.Semua-assimilation and accommodation-formed thanks to the
experience of students.
Piaget's view of the real knowledge of how it is formed in the child's
cognitive structure, very influential on some models of learning, including
learning model kontekstual.Menurut contextual learning, knowledge that will be
meaningful when discovered and built by siswa.Pengetahuan obtained from the
notice of others, would not be such knowledge bermakna.Pengetahuan be easily forgotten
and not functional.
Rear 2.Latar Psychological
From the
assumptions and underlying background, then there are some things you should
understand about learning in the context of CTL:
a. Learning is not memorization, but the process
of constructing knowledge in accordance with their experience miliki.Oleh
because that, the more experience it will be the more knowledge they have
b. Learning not just collect facts lepas.Pengetahuan off-it's basically an
organization of all that experienced, so that the knowledge will affect human
behavior patterns, such as patterns of thought, patterns of action, problem
solving skills, including the appearance or performance of a person .
Increasingly extensive and in-depth knowledge of a person, it will be more
effective in thinking.
c. Learning is the process of solving a problem, because the child will
develop problem solving as a whole is not only intellectual development but
also mental and contextually emosi.Belajar child is learning how to cope with
any problems.
d. Learning is a process of experience itself that develops gradually from the
simple to kompleks.Oleh therefore, can not learn at the same time, but
according to the rhythm of student ability.
e. Learning is essentially capture the knowledge of kenyataan.Oleh Therefore,
the knowledge gained is knowledge that has meaning for the child's life (real
world learning).
d. Conventional CTL with Learning Differences
1. CTL placing students as a subject of study, meaning
that students play an active role in any process of learning by finding and
digging its own subject matter. Meanwhile, the students are placed in a
conventional learning as learning objects that act as passive recipients of
2. CTL in learning, students learn through group
activities, such as group work, discussion, mutual acceptance and memberi.Sedangkan
in conventional learning more students to learn individually to receive, record
and memorize the subject matter.
3. In CTL, the learning associated with real life in real terms, whereas, in the
conventional learning, learning is theoretical and abstract.
4. In CTL, the ability based on experience, whereas in conventional learning abilities
acquired through exercises.
5. Ultimate goal of the learning process through CTL is self-satisfaction, whereas in conventional
learning is the ultimate goal or numeric value.
6. In CTL, action or behavior is built on self-awareness, for example, the individual
does not perform a particular behavior because he realized that his behavior
was not harmful and beneficial, whereas in the conventional learning, conduct
or behavior by an individual based on factors outside themselves, such
individuals are not do something due to fear of punishment or simply to obtain
the number or value of the teacher.
7. In CTL, the knowledge possessed by each individual is always evolving according to
its experience, and therefore every student there is a difference in meaning
biased nature of knowledge that conventional learning dimilikinya.Dalam this
may not be owned terjadi.Kebenaran is absolute and final, because knowledge is
constructed by others.
8. CTL in learning, students are responsible for
monitoring and developing their own learning, while the teacher is determinant
conventional learning course of the learning process.
9. CTL In learning, learning biases occur anywhere in
different contexts and settings according to the needs, whereas in conventional
teaching learning happens only in class.
10. Therefore the goals are all aspects of the development of students, then
the CTL learning success is measured in many ways, for
example with the evaluation process, the results of student work, performances,
recordings, observation, interviews and so forth; whereas in the conventional
learning success of learning is usually only measured from the test.
E. Role
of Teachers and Students in CTL
Each student has a different style in
belajar.Tipe visual learning style is the way of seeing, which means students
will more quickly learn how to use the auditory senses penglihatannya.Tipe type
of learning is by using a hearing instrument; while the type is the type of
kinesthetic learning by moving , work and touching.
In that respect, there are several things that must be considered for each
teacher when using CTL approach.
1. Students in contextual learning is seen as an individual who is
berkembang.Dengan Thus, the role of the teacher is not an instructor or "ruler" which forces the will, but the teacher was supervising students learn that
they are biased according to the stage of its development.
2. Every child has a tendency to learn new things and full challenge.With
Thus, teachers play a role in selecting learning materials that are considered
important to learned by the students.
3. Learning for students is the process of looking for a relationship or
connectedness between things that are new with the things that have been
diketahui.Dengan Thus, the role of the teacher is to help that every student is
able to find a link between the new experience with prior experience.
4. Learning for children is a process enhance existing schema (assimilation) or the process of forming a new scheme (accommodation), thus the task of the teacher is to facilitate (simplify) that the child is able to perform the process of assimilation and
accommodation processes.
F. Principles CTL
1. Constructivism
Is the
process of building or construct new knowledge in the students' cognitive
structure based pengalaman.Lebih far Piaget stated the nature of knowledge as
a. Knowledge is not a mere description of the world of reality, but also the
construction of reality through the subject.
b. Subject to form cognitive schemas, categories, concepts, and structures
necessary for knowledge.
c. Knowledge of the structure formed daalm seseorang.Struktur conception
conception formed conception of knowledge when it applies to dealing with one's
Aalah learning process based on the search and
discovery through the process of thinking is sistematis.Pengetahuan not the
result of a given number of facts, but of the process of finding common
sendiri.Secara inquiry process can be done through several steps, namely:
a. Formulating the problem
b. Hypothesized
c. Collecting the data
d. Test hypotheses based on the data found
e. Making inferences
Through a systematic process of thinking
thinking like the above, students are expected to have a scientific attitude,
rational and logical, all of which was needed as a basis for the establishment
of creativity.
3. Asking (Questioning)
In a productive learning activities will be very useful to ask:
1. Exploring information about students' ability in mastering the subject
2. Generating student motivation to learn
3. Stimulate student curiosity about something.
4. Focusing students on something to be desired
5. Guiding students to find or infer something.
In every stage of learning activities and asked almost always used.
Therefore, the ability of teachers to develop techniques are indispensable
4.Masyarakat Learning (Learning Community)
Leo Semenovich Vygotsky, a Russian psychology states that knowledge and
understanding of the child is supported by a lot of communication with people
lain.Dalam CTL class, application of the principle of learning communities can be done by
applying learning through group belajar.Siswa divided into groups whose members
are heterogeneous, good views of the capabilities and speed of learning, and
talent maupu minatnya.Dalam views of certain things, the teacher can invite
people who are considered to have special skills to membelajarkan students.
5.Pemodelan (modeling)
The principle of modeling is to demonstrate the learning process as an
example of something that can be replicated by any siswa.Proses not limited
modeling of the teacher alone, but can also take advantage of the student
teachers who are considered to have kemampuan.Modelling is an important
principle in learning CTL, because through modeling students can avoid learning the
theoretical-abstract to allow the occurrence of verbal.
6. Reflection (Reflection)
Reflection is the process of deposition of experience that has been studied
is done by reordering the events or learning events that have passed. Through
the process of reflection, learning experience that will be included in a
student's cognitive structure that will eventually become part of the knowledge
he had.
In the learning process with menggunakaan CTL, each ending process
peembelajaran, teachers about providing opportunities for students to
"contemplate" or recalling what has been freely dipelajarinya.Biarkan
students interpret his own experience, so that it can conclude about their
learning experiences.
7. Assessment Real (Authentic Assessment)
Real assessment is the process of the teachers to gather information about
the progress of learning is done siswa.Penilaian is necessary to determine
whether students actually learn or not, whether the student learning experience
has a positive influence on both the intellectual and mental development of the
G. Patterns and Stages Learning CTL
Competencies to be achieved is the child's ability to understand the
functions and types market.For achieve these outcomes are formulated several
indicators of learning outcomes:
1. Pengetian Students can explain the market
2. Students can explain the types of market
3. Students can explain the differences between the characteristics of the
traditional market with non-traditional markets (eg supermarkets or malls)
4. Students can be concluded about the function of the market
5. Yanga Students can create a bouquet of related premises market.
1. Conventional Learning Patterns
To achieve the goal of teacher competence
diatasmungkin implement learning strategies as follows:
1. Students are asked to read books on the market
2. Teachers delivering course material in accordance with the main points of
learning material as is contained in the indicators of learning outcomes.
3. Teachers provide opportunities for students to ask questions when there
are things that are considered less clear (discussion)
4. Teachers review the main points of the subject matter has been presented
followed by concluding
5. Teachers conduct a post-test evaluation in an effort to check the
students' understanding of the subject matter that has been submitted.
6. Teacher assigned to the student to make arrangements in accordance with
the theme of "the market".
Through such learning patterns, it is clear psychological factors do not
develop the child as a whole, for example, mental and student motivation.
2. Pattern Learning CTL
To achieve the same competence by using CTL
teachers perform learning steps as below:
a.first letter
1. Teacher explains competencies to be achieved and the benefits of the
learning process and the importance of the subject matter to be studied.
2. Teachers explain the learning procedure of CTL:
>Students are divided into several groups according to the number of
> Each group was assigned to observe, for example group 1 and 2 to
observe the traditional outlets, and groups 3 and 4 self-service outlets
> Through observation of students assigned to record berabagi things
found in the market-such trades.
3.guru do a FAQ about the task to be done by each student.
The field
1. Students make observations to the market in accordance with the division
of the task group
2. Students record the things they find on the market in accordance with the
observation tool they have previously specified
In the classroom
1. The students discuss their findings in accordance with their respective
2. Students reported the results of the discussion
3. Every group to answer any questions posed by other groups.
1. The teachers help the students concluded the results of observations
about market issues in accordance with the indicators of learning outcomes to
be achieved
2. Teacher assigns students to an essay about their learning experiences
with the theme of "the market"
For that there are some records in the
application of CTL as a learning strategy, as follows:
1. CTL is a learning model which emphasizes student activity fully, both
physically and mentally.
2. CTL view that learning is not memorization, but the process is
experienced in real life.
3. Classroom learning is not as tempay CTL to obtain information, but as a
place to test their findings in the data field.
4. Course material was found by the students themselves, not the result of a
gift from someone else.